Most Recent News & Articles

Headlines from around our company and articles with various insights ranging from new products to technical solutions.

Innovative Hermetic Packaging: Materion Nozzle Combo-Lids 
Materion Microelectronics & Services offers the semiconductor industry innovative hermetic packaging.
Materion Provides Optimal Thin Film Uniformity 
Materion produces the thinner deposited film layers required by reduction of feature size in many devices
Ancillary Services added to Precision Parts Cleaning 
Materion offers a broad range of services and solutions beyond precision parts cleaning to include chemical cleaning expertise, precious metal recovery and other ancillary services.
IR coatings and applications Q&A 
Questions regarding IR coating materials and applications in military applications
Reducing Nodules on Sputtering Targets 
Materion solution to nodule formation in sputtering targets - reduce particulate contamination
Starter Sources Improve Yield Reduce Downtime 
Materion supports industry demand for starter sources to replace traditional electron beam evaporation slugs.
Materion Specialty Optical Thin Films to Support IR Applications 
Materion is premier producer of high purity optical coating materials for IR applications
Window glass involves unique technology & glass properties 
Energy efficiency and infrared (IR) coatings are some of the technology behind window glass
Materion Introduces ToughMet 3 Sucker Rod Couplings 
Materion Introduces ToughMet 3 Sucker Rod Couplings that extend production time in oil wells
Materion Performance Materials is Ready for Whats Next in Electronics 
Read more about Materion Performance Materials materials used for advanced and innovations in Electronics
Miniature Connectors 
Read more about the innovative materials used in Miniature Connectors
ToughMet Alloy Evolution 
Read how New Forms and New Markets Ramp-Up ToughMet® Growth
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